Albany Med Townhall

How would we compel Albany Med to hold a town hall meeting to discuss their abhorrent actions.

Yesterday a friend took her boyfriend to the emergency, and she said she spent 8 hours in the ER only for them to be in triaged after getting attacked by three dogs.

Is it normal for patients to be actively sick and throwing up in the waiting room and for other patients to assist the sick patient; and then get told she would be kicked out for putting a blanket on vomit.

Who is responsible for patient care in the ER?

Isn't there a patient dignity? How do we fix it?

Edit: 3:5:25

I understand that you should go to the ER/ED for an emergency, I'm quite aware what constitutes as an emergency, as I'm chronically ill.

the point I was making is that even before you get to 'the back' some sort of decency and compassion should already be considered.🤷🏾‍♀️