AIO about my controlling mother

I am 19, in college, have an apartment...and my parents still won't let me have any electronics in my room at home. Despite me explaining that I literally have my phone as an alarm back at college, they refuse to let me have any sort of screen in my bedroom, forcing me to study downstairs under their eye. My mom and I have had some privacy issues in the past—they used to look through my messages, which is normal for a middle schooler, but continued to in high school and even used my old iPod to log into my Apple ID and my mother would scroll through my private conversations with friends (AND MY BOYFRIEND) like it was Facebook. Just casually at night. Until I caught her. (This of course has caused a lot of trust issues) But now, I feel like she is just holding onto some tiny little fragment of control she has left with me being an adult and all. I have tried to negotiate; only for it to fall on deaf ears Is this okay or like normal? She says lots of parents do it and thinks she's credible since she's a teacher ( a middle school teacher ) and that kids don’t need their electronics in their room—which is semi valid but I am an ADULT. Same sort of deal, but she enforced a curfew (not a problem, I get it) but backs it with shit like “the bars close at 11 I need you home before then.” Not true. Bars close here around 2, and the people on the road around 11 are probably the underagers who are kicked p at 10. I explained this to her just because her argument was not factual, and I wanted to stay out late ONE night because it was a special event—even prom she made me come home early from a friends house—but she just ignored me. She’s also reset our car mile gauge to see how far I am driving FROM WORK—adding up the miles I drove and comparing it to google maps—even though I’ve given no reason for her to mistrust, among many other things that just ick me out and make me feel uncomfortable. Am I just being an ass and overreacting or is this some controlling behavior? I find myself wanting to stay at school during breaks because it feels like I’m on lockdown when I come home and is just not enjoyable.