AIO for telling my DH that his mother is controlling and I want less contact with her?

This all came about because my MIL told me she wanted to buy toys for my 3month old and gave me access to a website so I can add the toys I wanted in her cart for her to purchase. I said, of course! Who would say no to such a great opportunity! But I guess my mom brain forgot that nothing is ever free and all good things come with strings attached. I was just so excited that my baby boy will have more toys and that they are coming from his grandma. Our relationship has been pretty good and she sees baby at least 3 times a week but I had to set up a schedule when she can because she was coming to see him every single day ever since he was born, which infuriated me.

Anyways, I told her I was done picking and adding and she said okay. Next day, she comes over to see baby, and shows me the cart which showed none of the toys I added. I ask her about it and she says, "Oh, right, I'm showing you now the new stuff because they are... better this way, more expensive, not made from china," yadda yadda yadda. Basically, she wasted my time, got my hopes up, and was telling me straight to my face that what I pick for my son are not good enough. At least is how I was seeing it! I didn't want to confront her without my husband there so I kept silent but was seething the whole time.

Once my DH came home from work, I told him exactly what happened and how I felt. He says I could be overreacting a bit as, technically, it is her money she's using to buy the gifts. I told him it's not even about the money, and if it was, then I don't want it anymore! To which he accused me of being petty and choosing my feelings over letting our baby have more toys he can play with. I don't know, maybe I am? They're just toys but for me, it's how she went about it that truly ticked me off.