AIO girlfriend issues

Been with this girl for 4 months now, were having sex like twice a week, and recently had our first pregnancy scare (no kid) anyways, after that we started talking about what if, and she said that if she ever gets pregnant she probably wouldn’t do an abortion, this scares me, I am not in the mind of being a dad, im only 20 and I want to experience life more before becoming a dad with all the responsibilities and kid stuff, I know im over reacting a bit because we have safe sex but still condoms are not 100%, is this a reason to break up?, I love this girl sm, shes perfect and at the start of our relationship i thought to myself where is the catch she cannot be this perfect, well here it is, i wont risk my life for sex, 1 bad condom and its all gone, this sucks why would she want a kid at 19