AIO because i called the youth welfare office on a cowoker.

As the title says.

So this women in my company and i work togehter for 7 months now. She slowly opend up and over time i learnd:

-her husband hits her -her husband is depressiv -her husband is an alcoholic -her husband stays at Home all day -her husband can not walk longer than 2minutes -her husband has no income, wife pays everything -her husband refuses to learn german -her husband controls her Phone/socials

And somehow this picture of a Man is the babysitter for there 2 year old child while the Mom is working fulltime. Some Friends of the husband work next to her. She crys often at Work, Co Workers saw wounds were He Hit she She refuses Help, maybe she is scared because she is not from germany. She says her husband will Go Back to Ukraine soon but again, this man can not so shit witout her. She Said she wants to live alone with her daughter.

So i informed the youth welfare office. I Hope they Help her but many CoWorkers think i am overreaccting.