AIO: Husband blew up at me after I found him masturbating before we were going to have sex


Me: 33 Female Him: 36 Male

TL;Dr: Went to join my husband in the shower to rinse off before sex and found him masturbating with his eyes closed mumbling to himself.

Yesterday was my husbands only day off and he had been saying all kinds of things about how we were going to fuck all day and "I should be prepared for this dick" to which I was all for!

I've been sexting and just regularly texting him all week and trying to let him know I'm excited for his day off alone with me, especially after we've had no alone time since it was spring break and the kids have been home for almost 2 weeks.

Well his day off comes and I'm up taking care of the house, making breakfast and getting the kids to school.

My husband got up around at 10am then sat at his computer to play games for almost the entire day.

At one point I thought I'd slide under his desk and get things started by sucking his dick, but he wouldn't let me saying he needed to shower first so I went back to playing my games and just trying to enjoy our day normally.

At 2 o'clock about an hour before the kids are supposed to be home he popped up from his computer and said he was going to go shower, and that I should go wait for him in bed.

About 10 minutes into his shower I went to the bathroom to pee and rinse off as well, but when I went to get in I found him masturbating with his eyes closed while mumbling to himself.

I was shocked and upset but didn't react outwardly, but my mood was definitely soured.

I started brushing my teeth and just kinda dazed out and when he got out of the shower he yelled startled that I was there even though we often shower together and share the same bathroom.

I immediately told him I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to have sex anymore.

He didn't listen and kept asking why and pressed the matter until I finally said I had seen him masturbating.

I told him that it felt like he had to work himself up to have sex with me when I've been trying to initiate it on and off through the day and texting him about it all week.

He blew up immediately. He yelled at me saying I was spying on him and how dare I make him feel bad for washing his dick, and I have no right to try and make him feel bad for anything he does with his dick. He then slammed the bathroom door in my face and went on talking to himself.

I was upset and decided to go sit in the backyard and write out my feelings to try and organize my thoughts. He came outside about 20 minutes after I did and then went back inside locking the door.

Right before the kids were about to get home he came outside again and said sorry for yelling.

He waited a breath for me to respond and then blew up again when I didn't immediately say something and went back in the house.

He sat pouting at his computer ignoring everyone and being mean when the kids tried to interact with him.

I still haven't spoken to him.

Edit for clarification:

Comments get buried so I'll try to respond to the most reoccurring questions and statements here.

We have sex very regularly, had sex Saturday, and Sunday I gave him a good night blow job. Monday was supposed to be our day together without having to be so careful and reserved because the kids went back to school.

I understand guys sometimes need a little work up before sex when they're trying to last longer, but we had less than 30minutes before the kids were supposed to be home at that point, so that's not really applicable to this situation.