AIO: ghosted my friend for leading me on

About 2 weeks ago my friend texted me and told me she liked me, I told her if we were going to go further that I wanted to take it slow and start talking more, and everything was going good until about 2 days later she started texting dry, I brushed it off as a bad day because she was still sending me hearts n stuff, and the next day she sent an unclear message saying that she wasn’t ready for a relationship and just wanted to be friends for now (at least that’s what I interpreted from the message) later that day I texted her basically telling her if she wasn’t ready that I would wait for when she was ready because I really did like her back, and she said she didn’t like me anymore after I poured my heart out to her, I told her this is awkward because I had poured my heart out to her for her to reject me WHEN SHE SAID IT FIRST, she gave a passive aggressive response about how she didn’t know what was awkward and that she can’t force her feelings even though I never told her too, I told her I didn’t want to speak to her for a while because what she did was fucked up even if she wasn’t leading me on like I think she did, and she wanted me to check in with her on weekends at least, when the weekend came around I didn’t text her, and now she’s saying im over reacting. I think I was justified in not and I also was very respectful about it. AIO?