AIO, my friends are pissed I wouldn’t cover their cheating.

One of my (F28) friends “Lily” (F28) would flirt and touch up on guys at the club and get their numbers. I’m not okay with this and I know her boyfriend wouldn’t like it either.

We went out and my boyfriend “Ben” (M29) joined us and we saw Lily on another man’s lap. The next morning, Ben asked if Lily’s boyfriend is okay with this behavior (he’s not, they had an issue prior and almost broke up) and said if it goes further then he’s going to tell her boyfriend himself.

I talked to some friends about this to try to hint that Lily should stop doing this around our boyfriends because it makes them uncomfortable and I don’t want them to think this is what us girls do without them present. They asked why and I said Ben didn’t like Lily’s behavior and would tell her boyfriend and they BLEW UP. Saying Ben needs to mind his own business especially since they aren’t even close. And that Lily is grown and can handle that conversation herself.

They said it’s girl code to always protect each other if one of us cheats. But I said I think I’d give my friend a chance to tell the boyfriend or I’d tell myself and let them know I will, but then everyone just came at me and I felt so guilty.

I don’t know, maybe Ben and I really need to stay out of people’s business but I just wouldn’t want anyone to get cheated on. It’s making me feel differently with my friends now or please tell me I’m overreacting?

EDIT: Would Ben telling Lily’s boyfriend be a stretch? Since they aren’t even close. That’s what riled the convo since my friends were telling me Ben needs to back off.