AITA for being angry at my family?

I (27M) had been going out of my way supporting my parents with running errands, paid all their bills in the past and generally being a dutiful kid. Recently I got fed up with it because they treat me less favourably than my siblings who don't help out at all. They don't even talk to me.

It was my birthday in Nov and none of them even said happy birthday let alone get a card. This was all because I refused to pay off my parents' debts - I have my own mortgage and bills to pay. Anyway I decided to just avoid them but I ended up having to drop off an elderly relative off at my parents house. It turned out they had arranged a get together but had not invited me. Of course I turned up with a card, chocolates and a small gift for them so I said I need to head off (was awkward being there).

My uncle called my parents out on how they were treating me and they resorted to telling lies about how I am rude etc but my uncle defended me, knowing how my parents are. Of course, my uncle informed me of what they were saying as they were concerned for my welfare.

My parents say they're the victims and that I am an AH.

What do you think guys? AITA for having enough of their behavior?