WIBTA for making my step children share a room while my bio children visit?

My (45M) wife Hailey (41F) has three daughters: Jamie (11), Janet (13), and Ella (16). Ella lives with her aunt, the younger two live with me and Hailey. I have two children: Layla (16) and Damien (17). They live with their mother three hours away, so I only get to see them 3-4 times a year, and never on holidays.

Me and Hailey live in a three bedroom house so the two girls have their own rooms. The girls were supposed to go to their grandmother's during Spring Break so we planned on giving Layla and Damien their rooms while they were away (and we warned all four kids two weeks ago about it). However, plans fell through, so the girls are staying with us.

Last time Layla and Damien were over, it was during Christmas break and it was a last minute thing, so the both of them had to sleep in the living room. Both of them did not like it but beared with it since they were the ones who chose to visit last minute.

I wanted this visit to be different and I wanted them to feel at home if even for a week, so I had told them they were going to have a room no matter what.

After my step daughter's plans fell through, I still wanted Layla and Damien to have a bedroom, so I told the girls they were going to have to share a room. I told them it was only for a week and I was still going to pay attention to them, just not as much. I kept reminding them it was only a week and they would have to bear with it.

Janet was fine with it, but Jamie was not. She got all annoyed and angry and locked herself in her room. She hasn't come out since. Hailey told me my children should just sleep in the living room and this would all be over.

I'm worried Jamie is going to hate me and my children for this. They're coming over tomorrow and I'm unsure if I should tell them to sleep in the living room or not. AITA?