AITA for eating salad in front of my girlfriend and then making a joke about it?

I (28M) grew up in a family that put a lot of emphasis on healthy eating. As a kid, we always started dinner with a salad, and I've continued that practice as an adult. I don't take my salad with any dressing, and the only toppings I add are mushrooms and tomatoes. Since I don't put dressing on my salad, I often eat it with my hands since it's easier than trying to spear the dry mixed greens with a fork. I've been eating my salads like this basically since I was a teenager, and it was never an issue, even when having dinner with my parents.

My girlfriend (27F) eats salads occasionally, but doesn't love them the way I do, which is fine. She's currently pregnant, and pretty much all she wants to eat right now is meat and potato type meals, which is also fine. She's had some severe morning sickness in the first trimester and it's been a struggle to find foods that she can consistently keep down. So we'll make something she wants for dinner, and then I will pair it with a side salad for myself so I'm still getting my greens.

Lately, I've noticed she's been a little distant during dinner, so I asked her about it. She said that my side salads are "unappetizing" to her, and she requested I stop eating them in front of her because it makes her nauseous to watch. I told her that everything makes her nauseous right now, and that it's not fair to me that I have to change my lifelong diet because of her pregnancy symptoms. She told me that the issue isn't with the salad, it's the way I "shove it down my throat like a caveman." Apparently that makes her gag and then she doesn't want to finish her own food. I told her that I've been eating my side salads like that for over a decade an no one has ever commented on it, so I think she's being overdramatic. I told her that her caveman comment was rude and unnecessary, and that I would continue the conversation with her when she's ready to talk about it in a more reasonable way.

She immediately got up and went into the nursery and shut the door behind her. When I walked by later, I could hear her crying, but I didn't go in and say anything because I feel like she should be the one to apologize to me for the crass comments she made about how I eat. She ended up sleeping on the glider in the nursery while I slept in our bed alone.

We sat down for breakfast this morning in silence, so I attempted to diffuse the tension by asking if the way I was eating my toast was acceptable or it it was also making her nauseous. She immediately started crying again, calling me an asshole and accusing me of not caring about her feelings or how hard the pregnancy has been on her. All I was trying to do was make a joke. And I know pregnancy is hard, but women go through it just fine all the time, so I don't understand why she's making such a big deal about it.

So AITA for eating my salads in front of her and then making a joke about it the next morning? I want us to sit down and resolve this when she gets home from work tonight, so I guess if I need to apologize, I will.