AITA for refusing to host a birthday party because my nephew isn’t allowed in my house

I 24f live on a 4 acre property that I bought for cheap from my grandma who moved to a retirement community.

My nephew is turning 16 at the end of the month. My sister asked if we could host his party here on the “family property” meaning at my house.

I told her no, because my nephew is not allowed at my house. My nephew does not respect boundaries and treats everything like his plaything, including the boundaries of my older black lab, Davos. He constantly chases him around and tries to pick him up despite me telling him to constantly leave him alone. Davos has arthritis and can’t be chased around and hates loud noises which my nephew is very loud.

As far as I know he is neurotypical.

My sister blew up at me telling me I was putting a dog before my nephew and it was grandma’s property that I can’t dictate. I told her it was my property, I bought it and tended it and pay all the bills for it.

My mom called me and asked if I could just put Davos in a room during the party and suck it up for just a day, but I said no. This is his house and he’s allowed to go wherever he wants and I won’t shut him in a room.

Now my family is divided, some of them calling me immature and selfish and others saying I’m right, while some including my father refuse to get involved.

Am I the asshole?

Edit to add bc I’ve gotten this question a couple times if the other members of the family were offered the house.

My nana and I have always had a very close relationship, and I’ve helped her tend the property for as long as I can remember. So she offered to sell it to me when she grew too old to tend to it herself. So no, other family members weren’t given the opportunity to buy it but they also weren’t interested in it. It is very old and out dated and my sister especially always talked about how much she hated the aesthetic of the house. The sole reason she wants to host it here is because my house has the most space. It’s not a sentimental space for her.

Someone identified me so unfortunately I have to take down the dog tax. Thank you all kind people of Reddit

Hello Reddit and person who has commented 1048 times that Game of Thrones is also a book and not just a show: thank you for the new information that i never knew and I’ve definitely never read them. Shut the fuck up already.