AITA for telling my wife I hate her fridgescaping

Recently my wife has taken to "fridgescaping," I guess it's a recent trend because I'd never heard about it before this. She started decorating our fridge and it was really getting on my nerves, for example she put flowers in the fridge, in vases, in front of food so you have to move things just to get to the food. She put all our food in fancy baskets, jars, and similar things. I know it sounds absurd but if you just search up “fridgescaping” you’ll see what I’m talking about.

I didn’t care at first because I don’t have to use the fridge much anyways, I don’t cook a lot. But she’s getting too meticulous with it and adding too much decor. It’s made the fridge very uninviting for me. She gets upset when I get something from the fridge and don’t put things back perfectly. She keeps taking it as a personal slight and acts like I’ve done something to deliberately hurt her, when I haven’t, I just find it unnecessary to maintain such an organized fridge. Before she started this it would take me 30 seconds to grab something quick from the fridge whereas now it’s a whole ordeal

Last weekend she confronted me after I grabbed some leftovers from the fridge and left it in “disarray” according to her. I explained how I find the hobby stupid and she can decorate other things, it doesn’t have to be the fridge. It gets in the way when I want to quickly eat, when I come home from work hungry and tired and want to grab a quick bite it’s frustrating. I also talked to my son about it, and he finds it annoying, which I told her. She didn’t argue back after that, and she’s removed all of the decorations from the fridge, which I have to admit has been relieving. But she’s also been acting very distant towards me and just hasn't been herself, and has been weird intimacy-wise.

AITAH for this?