AITA? Girlfriend doesn’t want my knitting.

My girlfriend hates receiving gifts. She says it “makes her feel weird”. She’s absolutely fine with receiving money, but no objects.

I have recently developed a very strong passion for knitting, and of course im always getting comments from others (family, friends, strangers, etc.) about “ooh could you make meeeee something???” And honestly? I don’t want to. It takes a lot of time and effort to hand knit something, and I don’t really want to give that away to just anyone.

I’ve seen so many posts and videos of knitters making gifts out of sweaters, hats, socks, anything that you can make, it’s been a gift. Everyone that they have made it for has always loved it, and they express feeling proud looking at their knitting on the people they love.

I’ve asked my girlfriend multiple times if I could make her something. She’s always said no.

Most of these conversations have been short, and we’ve moved on afterwards. Last night it kind of came to a head though, and I was feeling really unappreciated when she said ‘no’ again. I really tried convincing her. I told her the effort and money really wasn’t a problem for me, and she said that’s not why. I told her that her refusal of letting me make her something really hurt my feelings, (and it was at this point in the conversation where I was holding back tears over it. I cry really easy while off my meds, and I have been for a month or so not by choice.)

She still kept saying no, and tried to change the topic so I would stop crying, but I held firm. I wanted to make her something, and I really hated that she didn’t want anything I made. she asked why this really upset me so much. Through tears I ended up explaining my reasoning above, seeing others able to knit for their partners and have them love it. She went quiet for a bit and then said she will think about it. I was better with that answer and I let it go.

we drifted off topic, and a few hours later she told me no again. I told her it was okay, but I was crushed. We didn’t talk again that night, and now I’ve woken up and been thinking about it all morning (yes I did cry a little too.) I just need to know, am I overreacting? Or is what im feeling genuine and basically do I even have a right to be upset over this.

Added context: we’re both still in/around late teens, she is in college and im a high school dropout living with my parents. (Working on a diploma). The problem she seems to have is in accepting gifts, and also in the fact that for this gift she would have to measure herself and give me an address to send it to. I think it may make her feel strange to be so active in a gift, but if I make her something I want it to be something she will use. Also, online relationship. No weird age gap shit.

Edit to add: yes I know this is really my girlfriend we have been dating for several years online, im not being taken advantage of. I know her general stature, measurements are just so they fit. I got the point that im probably the asshole, so im going to delete my throwaway now. Thank you for all the helpful comments.