AITA for watching my best friend's favorite show after she told me all about it then told me not to watch it.

I (20M) want to watch my best friend's (20F) favorite show at the moment after she kept talking to me about it and I eventually decided I wanted to check it out. when I told her I wanted to she told me not to as she like's to keep her favorite things private to her so they feel more special and personal and so I don't potentially criticize them (I have a long history of being a bit heavy handed when criticizing tbf but I'm a lot better now than I used to be) cause she says any criticism will ruin it for her.

For a bit more context me and my friend are pretty much each others only friends just cause we're both fairly weird and asocial and just don't go out and meet new people much and both have our fair share of flaws which we don't mind about each other and have been friends for about 6 years. We both like anime and talk about it quite a lot and she has been talking to me about this new one for a couple months to the point where I wanted to go watch it and see if I'd like it as well.

My friend has a weird thing however that she likes to keep her most favorite things personal to herself (from me the only person she shares them with) so they feel more unique and special for her and basically just gatekeep them which I'm normally fine with as we'll still talk and yap about them anyway even if I haven't seen them.

This show is one of these things she like to keep personal and we keep on yapping about it and she shows me clips since I'm the only person she can't really share it with. Eventually all has convinced me to watched it but she's always insisted I don't and we've been through this specific debate a couple times now but we still keep yapping about the show happily anyway. Despite that I have started to watch it as I don't really want to let her just gatekeep it from me and generally I don't think media or culture is something that should be kept behind any bars.

It's also not even about embarrassment either as she never would've talked to me about it so much and from everything I've seen of it so far it's completely fine considering how well we know each other. I probably won't ever tell her I've watched it at all as I know she'll just get upset by it having known her for like 6 years and it'll be a whole ordeal that will just be a pain and mean nothing eventually.

This is the only time it's really come to me actually wanting to watch and her wanting to gatekeep and the only thing I'm really curious about is if other people think I'm being a dick by not listening to her or if she's just gatekeeping the show and I shouldn't care.

EDIT: strong recurring theme in the comments which i figured was probably the case i only posted cause i wasn't sure if i was missing something. Again i am actually watching the show and not gonna tell her cause i cba for the argument and clearly theres a reason neither of us really have any other friends and can't really afford to potentially lose one over something as dumb as this. lol

Also as dumb as all of this seems and i get the sub is called "am i the ASSHOLE" but i'd appreciate if you could not call my best friend stupid and an idiot anyways, cheers.

EDIT 2: people asking what the show is out of curiosity and to hate watch which has given me a better understanding of my friends perspective lol.
also my friend is chronically online and im scared she finds this somehow since i specifically dont want her to find out im watching it so not gonna share it and so poetically ig now i am the asshole lol.