AITA for snapping at my boyfriend's friend for touching my hair?

I'm (15M) black and I live in a predominantly white area and go to a mostly white school and I'm pretty introverted. I have a fro and the amount of people who will just up and try/ start touching my hair is wild. It's gotten to the point where it pisses me off. I met my bf Colt (15M) at a wrestling meet a few months ago and I let him play in my hair and I play in his curly jewfro. It's just kind of an intimate soothing thing between us.

We go to different schools so we don't hang around each others friends a whole lot. Saturday he was having like a movie marathon with some of his friends and he wanted me to come. While there one of his friends some white girl named Madison starts just playing in my hair saying it's softer than she thought. I immediately jerked back and asked her WTF are you doin? She tells me she just wanted to see what it was like. I snapped at her that I wasn't a damn dog and she gets all defensive saying she saw Colt doing it and thought it was ok. I yelled at her that I'm not dating her and went home.

Colt came over later and apologized for her ,but he says I didn't have to get so upset and go off on her like that. He says people come up to him trying to touch his jewfro to see what Jewish hair feels like all the time and he never took it that seriously.. I tell him it's kinda different but he still thinks I overreacted. AITA?

Edit: just so everyone knows I'm a guy