AITA for responding rudely to a comment on YouTube?

For context, this happened on Marques Brownlee's video discussing racial issues. I'll leave a link to it in the comments.

So, I was looking through the comments on this video, and I saw one saying "Marques is literally the nicest guy ever" in reference to how Marques created the video for a good cause. I had a feeling it would have some dumb comments, and sure enough, as I was scrolling through the replies, I saw one that said "Have you met Jacksepticeye. Not trying to be rude but he’s definitely much nicer ".

I thought this was an unnecessary comment under a video of such a serious nature, so I responded simply with "It's not a competition. Stop trying to make it one. Nobody asked who was nicer. "

I'm guessing he thought I was trying to be rude, so he responded

"Did I make it a competition or did I state my opinion? Don't come on here and be your pathetic self and try to make other people feel bad for saying how they feel as a person. I have my own opinion and that is actually my right. Maybe you should reconsider where you are going in life, because this doesn't seem like a good path. You come onto a community platform and tell me that I can't state my own opinion? That isn't right dude."

Admittedly, I got mad at this comment. He called me pathetic when I was just trying to correct a mistake that he made, though I admit the first time, I may have come off as overly passive-aggressive. Anyway, I rudely responded to the comment saying

" Who the fuck said I gave a shit about your opinion? The video is on a serious matter and you're bringing your ass here saying jAcKsEpTiCeYe Is NiCeR!!!! Nobody fucking asked for your opinion. This is a serious video. Stop being a baby."

He hasn't responded yet, and now that I've calmed down, I feel kind of bad for it. AITA?

Edit: Forgot to mention that all comments and replies in this post are directly copy and pasted from the thread itself on YouTube to ensure accuracy.