AITA for expecting my boyfriend to help fix the house we live in?

I (F) have been with my boyfriend for over 4 years. I have always been pretty good with money and had some investments in the works when we met. My boyfriend on the other hand isn’t the smartest when it comes to money management, and we’ve always kept our finances separate. Last year I bought my childhood home from my mom, and I did it completely on my own. My boyfriend moved it with me and after a couple of months I asked him to start paying rent. The house is old and we both work in the construction business, so I started to remodel it room by room, since the house was in really bad shape. I asked my boyfriend to help me fix it up on his spare time. This is when the problems started. He never wanted to work on the house and when I would bring it up he said I was “slaving him away”. It’s been over 6 months and we still aren’t done. He finally snapped one day and told me he doesn’t want to help because it isn’t “his house” and if we break up I’m going to have a nice house and he’s going to be left with nothing. He says it only benefits me in the end. I try to explain all the times I helped him (loaned him money for cars) and stuck my neck out in the line for him with no “insurance” things were going to work out, and he shoots it down. I feel like he should want to help fix the house he also lives in make it better. I pay for all materials, and expenses. Alls I’m asking for is for his time and skills. So AITA for expecting him to help?