Is this how us attractive introverts are treated🤨

Sooo am I the only one here receiving werid behaviors from these men and women.I’m just sooo tired of these women kept giving me dirty looks,fake smiles ,talking mad shit about me towards these little friends and just showing catty passive aggressive behavior for their big age than you got the the thirsty dudes that can’t seem to leave alone, they either been giving those long intense stares, talk about me towards their guy friends or stalk me.Than on top of that, the two face behavior I thought me and this older women were cool because she would always say hi to me and be nice to me and than all of a sudden it stop.She stop talking to me and avoid eye contact with me…I remember one time I had saw her and I had say hi and instantly I could tell by her demeanor that she doesn’t want to say hi to me back….but to other people she doesn’t give them the same treatment .I’m just like what the hell.

Edit(I’m a women btw)