I Have EU Citizenship but No Job Prospects. Should I Move to the Netherlands and Figure It Out?

I’m in my late 20s, and I’ve reached a point where I am desaparate to leave the US. I have had EU citizenship (Romania) for awhile but now I want to take fully advantage of it.

I’ve visited many countries in Europe and even spent several months living in the Netherlands, which I absolutely loved. It ticks all the boxes for me, walkability, excellent public transit, bike-friendly cities, and a great sense of community. Ideally, I’d move there, but my biggest roadblock is finding a job.

My background is pretty scattered: I’ve taught English abroad for a year, did project management in the non-profit field for 2 years, and am working in digital marketing for a small business. I also hold degrees in International Relations and Education, but I wouldn’t call myself a specialist in any field. Because of this, it’s pretty clear I won’t get a job by applying online from the US, I just don’t stand out enough on paper.

I have about $10k in savings and I’m wondering if I should just take the plunge, move to the Netherlands, and try to find work on the ground. I’m fulling willing to take whatever job I can get at first (waiter, barista, retail, etc.) just to stay afloat while figuring out a long-term plan. Or maybe get an MBA at a university?

Is it realistic to find work in the Netherlands as an EU citizen with my background, even if it’s just a stepping stone job?

I know $10k isn’t a ton, but it feels like enough to at least get started. I’m just scared to make the leap without a clear plan. If you have experience building a life in Europe without a plan lined up, I’d love to hear your thoughts and advice.