Amtrak High Speed Trains Between Houston and Dallas!

This would be a monumental win for us train advocates and people who want high speed rail just like in countries like Japan, China, and Germany. It also would connect the Houston metro area (population: 7.52 million) and the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area (population: 8.1 million). This would connect roughly 15.62 million people within just 90 minutes with trains going as fast as 205 mph! Amtrak will also be using Japanese Shinkansen High Speed Trains as their high speed trains! An intermediate stop at Brazos Valley is also in the plan. This would be worlds better than driving between the two cities. I-45 pretty commonly has awful traffic, meaning trips between Houston and Dallas could be as much as 5 hours.

Just to compare, here is just how much faster the Amtrak Texas High Speed Train between Houston and Dallas will be compared to driving

🚄Future Amtrak Texas High Speed Rail Train from Houston to Dallas: 240 miles (1H 30M train ride)

🚙The average drive from Houston to Dallas (no traffic): 239 miles (3H 27M drive)

✈️The average flight from Houston to Dallas: (1H 15M flight) (not including going through security)

High speed rail trains are America’s future!