The Fort of Harrand

The Harrand Fort (ہڑند) is located in the town bearing the same name near Rajanpur. It is one of the oldest settlements in the Derajat region of central Pakistan and is named after an ancient king of Multan. It was mentioned in the Sikander Nama written in the 12th century by Nizami Ganjavi which detailed the life and conquests of Alexander the Great. This area used to be a part of the Persian Achaemenid Empire during the 4th century BCE. It was here according to Ganjavi that Alexander married the princess Nowshaba. However, many historians doubt the aunthenticy of this story. This fort was later attacked and rebuilt a number of times, namely by the Mughals as well as the Sikh Empire. The British would later use it as a police station in the coming years. Since then, this building has continued to deteriorate with many parts of its structure having broken down.

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