Estragole via fresh tarragon

I read online that 60-70% of tarragon oil is estragole, meaning tarragon is a really good source for estragole.

7:00 PM: I got some fresh tarragon and chewed it up, it reminds me of anise in taste and my tongue went numb. Drinking water afterwards tasted very weird. I also have caffeine and weed in my system so this might affect some things.

7:44 PM: Feeling sedated/relaxed, my vision feels dark and shadowy but not grey and dull like eugenol.

Visually, it's like a cross between anethole and eugenol. Better than anethole maybe? I need a higher dose. I feel somewhat warm and dissociated.

7:57 PM: Ok, this is really starting to hit me more, I'm feeling really warm in a way similar to alcohol or opioids. Definitely not placebo.

My mind feels clear, numb, and relaxed. Weed is hitting stronger too. I'm starting to feel deattached, and something feels really nostalgic, liminal, and familiar in a lyrica like way, or like lorazepam.

8:18 PM: Sedation is growing, hard to keep my eyes open.

9:44 PM: I dosed 10 capsules containing powdered star anise to potentiate, then eventually fell asleep with mild visuals.