Does anyone else think we should be able to change the eyes on Fantasy Pets with eye swap potions?

Hear me out because it might sound stupid but think about it: Eye swap potions are for ð™Đð™Ī𝙠𝙚ð™Ģ pets. How do you obtain fantasty pets? With a wishing coin, which somewhat looks and acts like the other pet tokens in this game. You throw it into something and boom: you get a pet with a random color scheme. I feel like even though it's not technically a token, it still acts like one and we should AT LEAST get to change the eyes! I mean how often have you found the most perfect fantasy pet and then the eyes were the ugliest thing you've ever had the misfortune to set your eyes upon, ruining the entire thing for you? I guarantee it's happened to all of us at least once.

I'm not being 100% serious with this post but dang I really would like to change the eyes like we can with other token pets. It's just a hassle, some eyes look downright stupid and makes me wonder why AJ ever thought it was a good idea to add them (striking eyes 💔). I'm kind of mad that eye swap potions aren't for all pets in the first place because it certainly isn't just token pets that look at you with them big ol' ugly globes.

Hear me out because it might sound stupid but think about it: Eye swap potions are for ð™Đð™Ī𝙠𝙚ð™Ģ pets. How do you obtain fantasty pets? With a wishing coin, which somewhat looks and acts like the other pet tokens in this game. You throw it into something and boom: you get a pet with a random color scheme. I feel like even though it's not technically a token, it still acts like one and we should AT LEAST get to change the eyes! I mean how often have you found the most perfect fantasy pet and then the eyes were the ugliest thing you've ever had the misfortune to set your eyes upon, ruining the entire thing for you? I guarantee it's happened to all of us at least once.

I'm not being 100% serious with this post but dang I really would like to change the eyes like we can with other token pets. It's just a hassle, some eyes look downright stupid and makes me wonder why AJ ever thought it was a good idea to add them (striking eyes 💔). I'm kind of mad that eye swap potions aren't for all pets in the first place because it certainly isn't just token pets that look at you with them big ol' ugly globes.