How do you respond to BFAS True Believers?

We're a mid-volume, managed admission nonprofit shelter & HVSN clinic. We've got an amazing team that has been hit hard by some BEs, most recently a young dude that was a sweet goof until he hit a dangerously low stimulation threshold.

We've got plenty of staff feelings, but they are an experienced team with realistic expectations for behavioral modification or transfer to rescue. Their commitment to community safety and a positive experience for our adopters runs deep.

The problem is a small gaggle of active volunteers who LOVE Best Friends, who believe they have fixed all the bad shelters and saved all the difficult dogs who just needed some extra love and essential oils. For example they'll pop into challenging conversations to tell us all about this great new solution they read about from BF called 'reducing barriers to adoption.' We are very much an Adopters Welcome facility, but with some gentle prodding I figured out they meant that our practice of disclosing known behavior history was unfair to dogs who deserved a fresh, happy start.

The suggestion that we are ignoring vague, magical, or irresponsible alternatives to behavioral euthanasia is starting to wear on staff. These volunteers care deeply, give generously, and are valuable in so many ways, but they are starting to do real harm.

I've mentioned that I haven't seen much direct investment in sheltering or spay/neuter and offered to help them understand BF's financials and annual reports. They are absolutely not interested, and are very quick to dismiss any non-faith promoting opinion as the result of jealousy, ignorance, or malice. They've also mentioned how superior BF is at making them feel inspired and appreciated-- without recognizing the money that goes into that level of marketing and PR.

Have any of you managed to help someone find their own way to understanding that BF offers very minimal direct programming or services and spends little proportionally on animal care, sheltering, or s/n support? This group is confident and uninterested in questioning beliefs that give them comfort and make them feel special.

I could very quickly end up as the bad guy who unnecessarily kills shelter dogs if I directly challenge their beliefs. I need them to come to us, or another shelter professional, with an open mind and maybe the tiniest bit of self-doubt, but I don't know how to nourish that scenario into existence. Has anyone seen a truly devout believer make it out on their own orrespon d well to a gentle nudge?