Has anyone cured their dizziness?

I will try to keep this to the point. I’m diagnosed with GAD & PTSD due to an abusive childhood. I’ve managed to make a nice life for myself and am happy 90% of the time. The thing that is troubling me is dizziness whenever I leave my house. It’s intense to the point where I lose total balance and consciousness (3 times this year) I end up in emergency care and have multiple tests which come back normal (other than high blood pressure). I take propranolol and have had some therapy but other than that I just push on.

The dizziness is constant when I’m at work and it’s become embarrassing as my colleagues are always worried about me. I’ve had a brain MRI, eye tests, ENT tests and I’ve been referred for some cardio tilt tests due to family history of heart disease. I’m also on a waiting list for more neurological tests. I’ve told my doctor it’s probably my anxiety but they are just covering their backs and making sure I’m ok.

Has anyone suffered with similar problems and found a solution that worked for them? My last resort is SSRIs but I’m scared of messing up my mental health even more and when I tried Celexa in 2022 I felt really unwell on them so stopped them.

I know people can’t give medical advice here but I wanna see some light at the end of the tunnel stories if possible!