Anxiety and shame

Hi so I’ve been struggling with this exhausting amount of shame. I have always struggles with chronic anxiety and it always plays a part into any negative parts of my life. I believe anxiety is the root. I’m very hard on myself. It roots from wanting to be a good person, perfect and likable. Which I know isn’t realistic. We are human and we make mistakes. But the shame/ anxiety in regard to my day to day actions or even my past keeps resurfacing and runs through my brain daily. This started maybe a month or two ago. Works has been so stressful and I think that has played a big part in the mental health part of this season. I can psychoanalysis myself and find a few different reasons why this all of the sudden started but in the end that doesn’t matter. I want to be kind to myself and help myself. I’m going to start up therapy again. Any advice or book recommendations?