I get anxious over tiniest things and I can't take it anymore
I live in a constant state of panic and my only coping mechanism is to spend time with others, that makes me anxious too though but being alone is even worse. It got to a point where I even procrastinate taking a bath for a few days because I will be alone with myself. I don't go to the bed unless I am very tired and about to pass out. I literally live with headphones so I can't hear my thoughts. My mind is foggy, I can't stop spacing out when I am with myself or with others and think about whatever the issue I have in mind, and it is not even "big" things it is the problems I created myself. It is so paradoxical, I hang out with people but don't listen to them sometimes because I am busy thinking why am I not social enough or funny enough or why am I not in the moment. I think about a thing a person said 5 seconds ago and my whole self esteem crashes down. This spiral of thoughts literally suck me in frequently, whether I am alone or with people or even if there is no 'trigger' , I can't concentrate on anything because of them. A friend of mine shared good news of his success and even though I got happy for him I also beat myself down thinking why am I not good enough. I keep thinking people lie to me, they put up with me. I constantly feel in danger and my heart beats. I can't ignore my thoughts and no matter how much I try in the end I finally give in and stop whatever I am doing and just think them. I can't take it anymore, this literally fucks my life up and it is not beneficial whatsoever. I am also questioning whether I actually like "suffering" like this. It gives me a reason to run away from my duties, and I don't put up much of a fight sometimes.
I just can't take it anymore. How can I stop this? I can't seperate "a real problem" and anxiety, I don't know how much time should I spend being sad to anything. Do you have any advice?