Well apparently smoking is allowed in some apartments 👀

This interaction I had with a landlord gave me a good laugh So I thought I share.

Anyways I've been apartment hunting due to the fact my nextdoor neighbor continues to smoke weed in his apartment and my landlord refuses to do anything about it ( yes there is a no smoking policy)

Well today I was on a apartment tour and I asked the regular question rent, security deposit, and stuff then I asked about the smoking policy and this man said with a straight face "Oh smoking is allowed and you can smoke in your apartment" I was like 😯ummm that's not the answer I was looking for, so I then said well I have asthma so if someone was smoking in their apartment you wouldn't do anything and he said no.

Then he said most apartment don't have a no smoking policy And at first I was thinking actually pretty much every apartment has a no smoking policy, but then again right back to my current issue they just chose not to enforce it, so I liked the honest answer and wish more landlord where like that and just straight up say they don't care about smoking.