Bad experience with only watch during a run

today in the morning i decided to only wear my apple watch for the run I plan because carrying my phone is annoying.

So I wanted to listen to my podcasts but the episodes I wanted to listen were not downloaded on my watch so I put my watch on the charger and listet the episodes I wanted to listen as marked so the watch would download them. After getting dressed and so I took my watch from my charger just to noticed that no new podcast episode was downloaded to the watch. Fortunately I wasnt finished with the last one so I listened to it but had nothing to listen for the second half of my run.

During my run the watch would cut off the podcast for my leaving my training zone (I set up the watch to warn me if I leave zone 2, but when I have my phone with me it would only vibrate and it would not tell me that I am above/below my zone) and after the announcement the podcast would not continue to play or rather would play but with no sound so I had to manually press play during the announcement of the watch otherwise the podcast would go silent.

During the run the watch announced every section (kilometer) and pace and everytime I had the same issue described earlier. When I have my phone with me I never get the announcements and pace and I dont want them!

While listening to music the music wouldnt stop so the problems with the announcements.

So all in all had a terrible experience with only the watch and airpods on my run today and I should have probably looked into it before leaving my phone at home