The common app is breaking college admissions-change my mind
Although it makes it "simpler" to submit applications to many colleges at once, the common app is creating a situation where schools are receiving insane amounts of applications, quickly dropping their acceptance rates by double digits in many cases...all while enriching the schools with millions in extra application fees, but also stressing the system causing schools to have to hire out for part time app readers with WAY less experience. The common App has almost DOUBLED their revenue in 4 years! How many 30 year old educationally centered products can claim to explode from 30 million to 60 million in revenue in 4 years. Yes, they are a "non-profit" so of course their expenses went up by an equal percentage.
This massive increase in apps creates a situation where most schools required GPA jumps and leaves so many kids out who might normally have easily gotten in. The good solid normal student is disappearing from the acceptance pool leaving only the perfect student to gain access.