What would YOU buy?! Vote on your preferred form factor for 2024 and beyond!

There's been lots of talk about what Arcade1Up will release in 2024, but this time, it's not just about the games--it's ALSO about the form factor... Michael B. did a survey, 19Kfox did one, and now it's our turn. So, let's vote on it!

Whether you prefer to keep with the original 3/4-scale (with or without a riser) that is typically sold at Walmart as value or "peasant" cabs, you like the narrower-looking Deluxe, or you're ready to go nearly full-size with the authentic-looking XL machines, it's time to share your opinion. (Note that this does not include partycades, countercades, etc., which are believed to still be in production.)

Assuming all titles were available in all sizes, what you'd most like to buy going forward? Place your vote, then leave a comment and tell everyone why!

Credit: Alex Cardenas Villalobos on Facebook

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