You are now a villainous knight in Arthuriana; how do you survive a top-class knight being sent after you?
You have made some bad choices in life and/or been just kind of born evil. Whatever the case, you are now a bad guy knight, and as often happens in these tales, a top-class knight is being sent after you. Call him Gawain, Lancelot, Tristan, Galahad, Perceval, or Le Bel Inconnu, whoever it is, they're cream of the crop. What's the best tactic to survive and continue doing villainy throughout the land?
Poisoned weapons like Morholt? A magical fortress like Brandin? Poisoned dinner like Pinel? Have a magical power boost like Ironside? An ambush like Meleagant? Witchcraft like the Felonious Knight? A very fast horse like Bruce without Pity? Trust solely in the force of your arms like Tarquin? Manipulating the king to your side like Andred? Any other methods?