How important to learn all different kinds of mediums?

Let say you are an oil painting, watercolor, or acrylic artists.

So your main focus is one medium either oil, water color or acrylic.

I know many people went through different mediums until they actually decide what they want in their journey.

I am sure it will definitely help know different perspectives and apply what they learned to their works.

But do you think every artists actually need and spend certain amount of time to learn each mediums to get better artist in your field,

or is it something you can learn while you focus on yours and get ideas from other mediums here and there?

If you take classes this is pretty much the regular process and curriculum to go through everything once, but I was wondering if it is really required and worth to be patient for at least a year or so, or you can just jump right into what you want and learn what you need along the way.