Getting rid of air bubbles/pockets in cheesecake batter?

Hi guys

I have this problem where I am getting these air bubbles in my cheesecake. Here is the recipe for reference. The problem starts at the stage of mixing the sour cream and greek yogurt. Bubbles form in that stage. I think either or both of these ingredients contain some air bubbles.. which is weird to me. I know mixing eggs incorporates air into the batter and I take care to mix lightly when eggs are added. Regardless of what is causing or producing the air bubbles, it becomes a problem during baking because I will get a big bubble buildup in some spots and it will eventually pop and cause a crack in the cheesecake. Extremely frustrating.

So I'm looking for some ideas on how to get rid of the bubbles prebake.

I know some people recommend slamming the cake pan prior to baking. This method works somewhat, but it's not effective enough. I have seen some this professional bakery that uses this table that basically shakes back and forth. This seems really effective, but I don't know exactly where I can find something like this that works in a small kitchen space. Any ideas here?

Pictures of bubbles pre-bake for reference: