I was robbed at gunpoint, everything was taken. What can be recovered?

Hi looking for any advice here… My brother was robbed at gunpoint in the city tonight. They got his wallet, phone, keys. This means they got his ID, with his address, as well as the house key to this address. About 20 min after he was robbed, his iCloud email passwords were changed, his Venmo passwords (with about $700 in that account). Shortly, $50 transfers started going to a random Venmo account and then they added another debit card to the Venmo (I assume to transfer out). And since they have his email, phone, and also phone passcode, they can basically reset everything / verify themselves.

They even added an address to the Amazon account, with a name associated. Looking it up, it is a residential address. But seeing how quick they acted, I don’t know if they would be dumb enough to put one of their own addresses? Worth giving to the cops I guess…

They held him at gunpoint and forced him to give his passcode to his phone, which basically gives them access to anything in the Apple-verification window. Luckily he didn’t have Apple Pay set up… He transferred all $ in his bank account to my account (which doesn’t have shared access), even though they have access to the banking app. So that means they can’t transfer anything to themselves.

Undetermined if he had his SSN saved in his phone…

What do we do? How can we dispute all of this and get anything back? Does he need a new phone #? We disconnected service to his phone, but technically on WiFi they can still iMessage… but if I disconnected service does iMessage still work? The cops were basically useless, I’m not sure if they are even investigating… literally any advice is helpful. Any guidance, anything! Thank you.