Is china really communist/socialist or have they just invented a different capitalist system?

As an outsider (Western EU) looking in I feel like China is more or less just a capitalist country by now.

What I mean by this is that you managed to have capitalism and decent workers rights. Your country is apperently liveable, there is housing that a normal person can buy or rent without getting in too much trouble financially, food and necessities are affordable and QOL is also pretty decent.

The EU has good workers rights but most other things are very difficult for a person even with a degree to obtain these days without being drained of your hard earned money at the end of the month (most millenials and older gen Z's still cannot afford housing, food and other important things in my country and the surrounding countries even with a degree from a good university).

My question therefore is:

Is China really communist/socialist or have they just invented a different capitalist system?


I forgot to add something.

I think your country is kind of a hybrid between socialism and capitalism. Not that this is bad just asking.

Could someone state the official classification for China in terms of it's economic structure.

When I google I get communist but reading the comments that's not true.