Muscle soreness, heaviness after severe hypokalemic paralysis 30M
Hello there, greetings from mexico, I'm a 30 y.o, male , 59kg and 1.70m. I'm taking testosterone injections (250mg every 2 weeks) and lamotrigine.
Last month I had a full body hypokalemic paralysis due to an electrolyte imbalance, I was at the ICU for 4 days. I recall having some symptoms back in februrary 2024, such as muscle soreness and sometimes weakness even after small activity such as climbing stairs or running to catch my bus. After stabilizing my electrolytes and being discharged from ICU, I was prescribed just a multivitamin medication and some indications to improve my nutrition. nevertheless I'm starting to show again some muscle soreness and weakness after small amounts of activity, not as impairing as before, but still bothersome. My internal medicine doctor checked my electrolytes in my blood and urine 2 days ago, but everything was within normal ranges. I'm scared because I don't know what's happening to my body. My doctor will check my albumin in two months from now, but I'm scared, I'm planning to see a neurologist or a rheumatologist.
I'd like to hear some advice or opinions, that would help me a lot.
please. Thank you