women's weakness and advantages?
women are weak. i had an argument with my girlfriend about men being stronger than women and being better in any aspect regardles physical strength stamina etc.
she kept bragging about her jiu jitsu lessons and that she could take down anyman i told her that her having experience inside the teaching room doesnt translate to real life conditions i said if you are able to take me down i'll buy you anything you want, we went outside and she got a reality check not only she wasnt able to put me down she also tap out in seconds i have no experience in any martial art.
am i the only one who has to deal with this brainwashing of women?
ps she's really caring and loves me just like i do she cooks she cleans and do everything i expect her to do
and i do everything she expects me to do im just curious if you have any similar experiences
i think social media play a crucial role on shaping our minds and they bend the perception of reality?