How do you deal with people constantly shitting on you for never having a girlfriend?
I'm 27, and unfortunately, I’ve never had a girlfriend. It’s something that has always been a bit difficult for me, but I’ve tried to accept it. The issue is that people around me, whether it’s family or friends, constantly bring it up in a way that makes me feel like shit.
I used to try to lie and say I’ve had a girlfriend, but that’s hard to maintain when people have known me for years and have never been introduced to anyone . It feels like society has zero respect for men who can’t “pull” women. I’ve had my dad ask me multiple times if I’m gay (which, by the way, I’m not), and friends will make snide comments like “So, you gonna marry a blow-up doll or what?” or “What’s wrong with you?”
I really try my best to accept that maybe I’ll never find someone, but it’s tough when people around me don’t stop making it harder. How do you deal with this kind of constant judgment and negativity?