Positive male body image sources?

Hi gentlemen! Does anyone know of any good sources to help men feel better about aging? There are loads for women, but my husband is really having a rough time lately (we're both 40). Despite jogging multiple times a week, he still has a bit of a 'dad bod' (toned limbs, but a noticeable tummy) and he's started describing himself as "disgusting". So far I've tried: *Continuing to call him names like Gorgeous, as I always have. *Continuing to initiate both sex and non-sexual touching (he's tried wearing a t-shirt when we get intimate, but I've always made sure to pull it off and kiss his chest - I want to stop any feelings of shame with me as best I can). *Gently pointing out that no one is the shape they were in their 20s, but that he's always been attractive to me. *Inviting him to my daily trips to Lane Swimming. This wasn't accepted as he doesn't feel comfortable being in public in swimming shorts, which is fair enough.

Even so he's still struggling, and I was wondering whether anyone knows of any good sources to give a positive spon on aging. If you can think of anything else I can do, too, that would also be gratefully received.

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day!