Has there ever been a discovery that has overturned a law of science and made something considered impossible become possible?

I answered a question in /r/spacequestions regarding the speed of light. I made the claim that we will likely never be able to exceed the speed of light, because although new scientific discoveries are made all the time, they just add additional detail and better understanding to what we already know. They don't overthrow what we already know.

People like to quote old guys in the past saying stuff like "there will never be a heavier than air flying machine" or "there will never be a need for more than 5 computers in the country".

These are clearly wrong predictions that were overthrown. But this isn't what I'm talking about. These predictions are talking about engineering capabilities or economic issues. They aren't talking about fundamental science laws. The guy saying there would never be a heavier than air flying machine only had to look out the window at a bird to find a counter example. So he clearly wasn't declaring a scientific law.

So have there been any scientific discoveries that overthrew established scientific laws, and made things that were previously considered impossible suddenly become possible?