Who watches the watchers? By which I mean opticians.

Evening all. I've been going to the same optician for years (over a decade) and they have never provided me with my prescription. I only realised they have a legal duty to do so last year. After my last appointment I asked them to send it over and they acted like it was a hugely weird thing to ask for. They sent it (electronically) but made a huge fuss like I was asking for something weird and they were doing it out of the kindness of their hearts.

Just been back in this week and they are back to normal not sending prescriptions. (My kid also goes there, they don't send theirs either.) I know I could put in a complaint to them, but they'd know it was me (obviously) and I reckon they'd start sending mine out but still fail to do it for everyone else. I would like to report them to the (optical) powers that be and have them reminded that they MUST. Like, I don't want to get them in trouble, I just want them to do their damn duty, not just for me but for everyone.

Anyone know who i would report it to?

They also don't mark prices on their glasses which is against the code of practice but I'm just bitter about falling in love with a pair of glasses I can't afford for that one.

Honestly I would switch opticians but I have super dodgy eyes and like that they know my history.