What is the most disgusting medicine you have had to take?

Honourable mention to bowel prep which tastes like litres of salty water.

I've been prescribed a medication which I will have to take for life. It comes in powder form and I am likely to need 4-6 sachets a day. I'm currently building it up and am taking three but my symptoms are still not controlled.

It has to be sprinkled over liquid and forms into a big gloopy mess that then gets mixed in. It is best drunk through a straw but even then it is like drinking thin, gritty wallpaper paste. It forms into tiny little plastic like bits on contact with your mouth and sticks to your teeth which need to be brushed straight after or it eats the enamel.

Once drunk it sticks in your throat and feels like grit, I spend most of my time clearing my throat and coughing. The thought of up to 6 doses a day is not filling me with joy.

Anyone else have any similar medication horrors?