Someone you know personally, but dislike, dies unexpectedly. How do you feel when given the news?

There is a guy I knew, a partner of one of my wife's friends, who I just couldn't stand. It wasn't hate, exactly, I just did not like his way of life whatsoever.

He was not a drug addict, but he loved taking drugs at the weekend. Whenever there was a gathering of all the couples, for a meal or whatever, he'd bring drugs assuming everyone else would be into it. They weren't, but he'd still take his and make a right tit of himself, ruining the night for most (especially his girlfriend who had to excuse him).

He also had a terrible sense of humour. Like, he'd assume he was hilarious and laugh at his own jokes before anyone else (although anyone laughing st his jokes was a rarity).

All in all, I really didn't like the guy and avoided being around him.

Anyway, at the start of the week, he died. It wasn't drug related, kinda. He already had a heart problem and it gave up (not while on drugs but one would assume the years of it did more damage).

He was 41.

When my wife told me, I didn't react. She said that was a bit heartless. I told her it was sad for my wife's friend (his girlfriend) but other than that it was no loss to me.

I'll attend his funeral if my wife deems that I should be there but if she doesn't then I won't be going, especially if it's during the working week.

Just looking for your opinions/experience of the situation.