Does your wife/partner expect you to buy her anything for International Women's Day?

Wife asked me to buy her flowers and a gift because it is International Women's Day. She's from Vietnam and I saw on social media that in a lot of Asian countries the day is almost treated like a second Valentine's day.

I half joked that she could cook dinner for me (I tend to cook because I enjoy it and she works regular hours unlike me) which she found funny, but I did make the serious point that the day is all about equality and empowerment for women, and a man simply buying them gifts kind of flies in the face of what the real meaning is.

I did actually buy her some flowers and chocolates and left them before leaving for a gig I had tonight, and she's messaged to say she's happy, but when buying the flowers I noticed an unusual amount of guys also buying flowers.

Is this now a thing in the UK? When I've been out with British women before they never expected gifts, and we simply laughed at the idiots on social media saying "when is International Men's Day then?" and Richard Herring telling them it is November 18th.