Dachshund got chlorahexidine in eye, caused a corneal ulcer
This has been the worst weekend of my life. My dachshund was attacked by another family dog during thanksgiving, and he got a puncture on his head that was oozing pus so we took him to the local emergency vet clinic in our small town.
They took him to the back to clean out the wound, and when they came back asked us if his eye was usually ‘cloudy.’ When we said no and were confused as to why they asked that, they told us they accidentally got a ‘not mild’ soap in his eye when they were washing his wound out and that they did a stain and he’s all good but we need to follow up with our vet. They wouldn’t tell me the name of the chemical at first but I hounded them so they finally told us it was chlorahexidine and that he could potentially lose the eye.
They gave us this ointment called something baci, a cone and sent us home, they were gonna let us leave without any pain meds but I asked for something because the poor little guy was clearly in pain, now more on his eye then his head bite.
We drove back home about an hour away, and his eye was getting worse. He couldn’t even open it and he was crying non stop. I was freaking out and wanted to at least help his pain so I took him to another vet in our city where we live and they did another stain and told us he had a corneal ulcer (luckily it’s superficial so hopefully with good care he won’t have to lose the eye), gave him numbing drops there and he could finally open it and looked so relieved and they gave him stronger pain meds and eye serum.
He slept a bit throughout the night but did wake up ever 2-3 hours whining it seemed like he was confused from the medicine and cone.
My questions are: 1) Is there anything else I can do for the pain to make him comfortable? 2) Any other tips for treating and healing a corneal ulcer other than the ointment and serum? Or just keep on that for a few days? 3) Have you ever seen a dog get this chemical in their eye before and did they go blind?