Playing as Yasuke, pros and cons?

I've preordered and looking forward to playing as Naoe and Yasuke, but not sure what the gameplay appeal for Yasuke is

Pro : He is really good at combat
Con: He is REALLLY good at combat

If you were planning on spending a lot of time in combat as Yasuke, counterintuitively, you will be spending the least amount of time in combat, because Yasuke is so good at quickly dispatching enemies(usually 2-3 hits on regular enemies).

He can't really do much else as far as parkour and stealth goes. So if I whip out Yasuke its probably only for situations where I'm forced into combat.

Is anyone here planning on going the Yasuke route? I don't see much to be excited about but I'd like to know if there's other people who do. Please share your thoughts