I projected but I found myself in another room

Hi! I haven’t been astral projecting much lately, I don’t know why. Tonight I was dreaming and I suddenly felt the vibrations. I don’t remember if I was awake but I think I was dreaming of being in some bed. I felt the vibrations and projected from there. Usually if I project I find myself in my room, but this time I was in another room. I didn’t notice while I was there, it was familiar. I don’t know if I dreamt about projecting at this point, but everything suggested I was actually astral projecting (the tint, the sensation, the awareness etc..). A friend of mine was there but he was COMPLETELY different. A totally different person. I asked him “show yourself for who you really are” (it usually works for me) but his face remained the same. I asked for my guides and some of them appeared. I recognized one I had already seen or at least I think. I talked with them and they said they’re always watching me, they take turns if someone has to leave. And they said they are a lot of people, like 10. I don’t know if they were really them but I trusted them at the moment. After a while I woke up, but I woke up in a dream. This is quite different from the other experiences I had, any idea of what happened? Why I was in that room? Thank you in advance 🙏🏻