I did it!
So last Friday I was arrested and put in jail. While I was laying in my cell Saturday at some point I was focusing on my son and other family members. I wasn’t tired and I didn’t fall asleep, I wasnt even meditating really, just focused.. then I was wrestling around in the back seat of a car with myself, once I realized I wasn’t in jail any more I let myself out of the car. Then I started walking home, I should have known it wasn’t real because the home I ended up at was the house I grew up in , not my current house. But it felt sooo real I could feel the sun on my skin(that should have been another dead giveaway as it’s still cold here) and I could smell my mom burning cookies in the oven. I was holding my son and telling my mom about getting arrested but not knowing how I got out. Then she suggested maybe your still in jail, and I started listing the reasons I knew I wasn’t i had quite a few of them until I said that I had walked home , she looked at me and said what home and I told her the house I grew up in and as I was saying it she said nope we don’t live there any more and I was instantly rocketed back into my cell… super depressing but also wild as hell. Maybe this was an out of body experience but it felt like I projected myself idk